Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Answers to popular panda questions

Why cant pandas hibernate?
-It is impossible for them to accumulate enough fat to last the entire winter, especially with a diet based on bamboo (8).

Is lucky bamboo actually bamboo?
-No, it is not a species of bamboo. It is a type of lily known as Dracaena sanderiana. Bamboo plants are a common symbol for good health. The number of stalks of bamboo determines the amount of luck received. For example, three stalks of bamboo symbolize happiness, wealth, and longevity (9).

What kinds of activities do pandas do in zoos?
-Pandas are very flexible and like to do somersaults. They also like to play with piles of ice or puzzles made of bamboo with food inside. (7). To see exactly what a panda does follow this like and watch the video at the top of the page.

Panda Cam from the San Diego Zoo:

Why are pandas the symbol for peace in China?
-Pandas are seen as peaceful animals because they rarely feed on other animals. This comes from the ancient belief that pandas fed on copper and iron. The panda was also depicted on flags to signal surrender during wartime (6).

Are pandas always very large?
-No. At birth, pandas are 1/900th the size of its mother (4)!

When did the panda first come to the US?
-The first panda came to the US in 1936. It came to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago(6,10).

How many giant pandas live in captivity?
-Approximately 140 pandas live in captivity (10).

How do pandas consume so much bamboo at a time?
-Pandas have a thick esophagus in order to swallow large pieces of bamboo (8).

What kind of shelter does the giant panda need?
-Pandas often sleep under trees. Bamboo is also a source of shelter for the giant panda (7).

If you have any further panda questions please feel free to ask. I hope that many organizations will continue to help the panda because it will remain an endangered animal if no one helps. I believe that creating patches of land for pandas to meet other pandas is the best way to help the pandas. I also think that educating the public about the endangerment of the panda is also helpful.


  1. Are Pandas hard to maintain in captivity? Are there any breeding programs to help enlarge the population?

  2. Wow, I did not know that bamboo symbolizes good health and that pandas use bamboo for their shelter and food source.

  3. Is the lucky bamboo (lily) still a source of food for the panda? I really hope people become more involved in the preservation of pandas!

  4. Is there a reason why pandas sleep under trees? Do they hold a specific importance to the giant panda?

  5. What doe the pandas in captivity eat. I know that the panda's diet is made up mostly of bamboo but could they be weened off this and fed something else?

  6. Whoa way to blow my mind!! I honestly thought all bears hibernated. By the size of the panda you would think they had enough fat to survive, but then again all they eat is bamboo. That’s still very interesting.

    P.S: I loved the video, oh and you said like instead of link, its funny how that threw me off, actually it’s kind of sad.

  7. You mentioned how said the symbolic meaning of bamboo, how does that petain to pandas?

  8. I didn't know most of these facts that you put up here. It is all really interesting!

  9. I also would like to know why the panda is associated with a bamboo tree. Whenever you see a picture of it, it's always with one.

  10. many thanks for instigating such a welcome blog. my interest in pandas stems from my membership of my local zoo,(edinburgh)and my very great interest in the chineeees's desire to slaughter all the endangered animals in the world for their ivory and bile and any other part of an animal that they can eat.
